

A consideration for any medication during pregnancy or with respect to lactation is an important topic of consideration. Having the best, up to date and evidence-based information is an important element. Here are some resources to consider: MOMMYMEDS.COM MEDSMILK.COM INFANTRISK.COM At Better Beginnings our approach in discussing medication as a potential part of care and...
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Recently, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), published an updated review on “Pregnancy-Related Deaths.” Find it HERE. The 2017 review gives more information on the following key findings from 14 state Maternal Mortality Review Committees- including Florida: Approximately 1 in 3 deaths during or within a year of pregnancy were pregnancy-related. What does that mean?...
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Better Beginnings is a first of its’ kind stand-alone health facility in Florida offering a range of care for pregnant and postpartum women including the Southeasts’ first Mother/Baby partial hospitalization day program for women experiencing more severe levels of anxiety, depression and other emotional distress symptoms.  The program offers rapid access to specialized care in...
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