During COVID 19, what we are doing.

As you know, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. As leaders in perinatal mental health care, we are making every effort to avoid encouraging unnecessary panic or anxiety for those we serve, and we are taking measures to protect our clients and team during this ever-changing situation. We are closely monitoring information by federal, state and local government and health entities. For the current time, the following are being implemented:

  • Our facility is fully operational. We are monitoring for any signs/symptoms in our clients and staff. We are taking proactive steps to keep all safe while still serving the needs of our clients.
  • We are emphasizing hand washing/sanitizing in greater frequency.
  • We have increased the frequency of sanitizing our facility.
  • We are practicing utilizing our large office spaces to have distance during sessions
  • We are screening to rule out viral symptoms, specifically COVID-19 viral symptoms when you arrive for your appointment.
  • We are taking temperatures for sign of fever via CDC guidelines, when you arrive for your appointment.
  • If you are sick, we ask that you stay home. If you feel up for it, you can utilize our ability to have telehealth/remote services so you don’t have to cancel your health visit.

Our staff of healthcare providers is equipped to keep patients and our team safe. We continue to have the ability to provide you with services via telehealth/remote sessions.

Call us today, we are here for you (352) 462-9484.